Nigeria Internet Law Reports




Click here to see Judgements  delivered in the year

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Name of Case







Twimahene Adjeibi Kojo II v Opanin Kwadwo Bonsie & Anr

Monday, 2nd December 1957 (1957) 12 NILR 2


Nana Ofori Atta II & Ors v Nana Abu Bonsra & Ors Wednesday, 6th November 1957 (1957) 11 NILR 6





Eshugbayi Eleko  V  The Officer administering the Government of Nigeria No 2

Tuesday, 24th March 1931 (1931) 3 NILR 24





Eshugbayi Eleko  V  The Officer administering the Government of Nigeria No 1

Tuesday, 19th June 1928 (1928) 6 NILR 19





Amodu Tijani  V  The Secretary, Southern Provinces

Monday, 11th July 1921

(1921) 7 NILR 11





D.W. Lewis & Ors v Bankole & Ors

Thursday, 12th July 1909

(1909) 7 NILR 12







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